Final Resolution Options

Below is the resolution ballot ratified by the topic committee. I have highlighted the key terms that distinguish the options from one another. The differences are summarized in the table below.

A few notes:

  1. This list is now finalized and the numbering is updated to reflect the official announcement, which you can find here.
  2. None of this is authoritative. I am not a member of the TC, voting or otherwise—just one of the area paper authors and someone who observed much of the TC process.
  3. This section is an attempt at an objective summary; my opinions on this slate are below.

Here are the options:

Resolution 1 (formerly resolution 1) - Domestic Climate Policy, Market-based Instrument, Transmission Infrastructure

The United States Federal Government should adopt a domestic climate policy for decarbonization in the United States, including at least a market-based instrument or substantially increasing federal authority to expand interstate electric transmission infrastructure.

Resolution 2 (formerly resolution 7) - Domestic Climate Policy, Carbon Pricing Instrument, Transmission Infrastructure

The United States Federal Government should adopt a domestic climate policy for decarbonization in the United States, including at least a carbon pricing instrument or substantially increasing federal authority to expand interstate electric transmission infrastructure.

Resolution 3 (formerly resolution 4) - Clean Energy Policy, Market-based Instrument, Capability Requirement

The United States Federal Government should adopt a clean energy policy for decarbonization in the United States, including at least a market-based instrument or establishing a minimum interregional transfer capability requirement.

Resolution 4 (formerly resolutions 2) - Clean Energy Policy, Market-based Instrument

The United States Federal Government should adopt a clean energy policy for decarbonization in the United States, including a market-based instrument.

Resolution 5 (formerly resolution 8) - Clean Energy Policy, Carbon Pricing Instrument

The United States Federal Government should adopt a clean energy policy for decarbonization in the United States, including a carbon pricing instrument.

Resolution 6 (formerly resolution 10) - Clean Energy Policy, Disincentivize Fossil Fuels

The United States Federal Government should adopt a clean energy policy substantially disincentivizing non-governmental consumption of fossil fuels in the United States.

Wording Options